Google Task Mate App Referral Code Hourly Update Download Android & iOS

Google is offering Indian users a chance to earn money using new Google Task Mate App. But you can download it only if you have the referral code. Here we are providing some latest Working Referral Code of Google Task Mate App. As of now only android beta version is available for use through referral code and iOS shall be available soon. Latest Task Mate Referral Code Update is of 28 Nov 2020.

Before begin with Task Mate, first understand what it is and how it works.

  • Google Task Mate app will assign you task such as Clicking Store front pictures and making short video clip
  • It divides the tasks into two (02) categories namely
    • Sitting Tasks
    • Field Tasks
  • You will receive payments in local currency after the approval of reviewer
  • After completing task, you have to add your Bank account for payment receiving.


Download Google Task Mate App

Currently, Beta version of Task mate app is available for download. For those who doesn’t understand what beta version is, It is actually the testing piece of software available for a limited number of users. The final release of software will be available after the successful testing of beta version. Additionally, one needs the referral code to use the app.

Google Task Mate App Download Android (Google Play Store)
iOS (Apple App Store)

As we are discussing the task categories as Sitting Task and Field Tasks, here is the difference. Works such as writing recording sentences, reviewing particulars are sitting tasks. However, recording videos and taking photographs are field tasks.

Referral Code Google Task Mate

Beta version of Google Task Mate App is usable only with valid referral code. Please make sure to use it as soon as you get one because one is available for every hour. The only way available to get Task Mate App referral code as of now is through Google invitation.

The app is in testing phase with 100,000+ downloads as per current trends. However, after seeing the rapid gaining popularity, the app shall be available to download and use without referral code soon. Here are some of the Working and expired Google Task Mate App Referral Code:

Referral Code Status
KIMQP1 Working
DH6U2N Expired
2BKHX5 Expired
57HZD9 Expired
RS43TF Expired
H97YVB Expired
Note: This table updates every hour. (Last Updated Morning, Saturday 28 Nov. 2020, 08:45 AM IST)

Google Task Mate Enquiry

If you want to read and know further regarding Google Task Mate App, please visit and contact the developer at
