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What Is DevOps and How Does It Work?

You must have heard the name of DevOps! And probably have read and heard about it too. But do you know what is this DevOps? And how does it work? If not then nothing to worry. Because today we are going to talk about this. So if you also consider DevOps as a Programming Language or Software or Tool! So you are wrong. Basically, it is neither a tool, nor a software, nor a programming language. Then what is DevOps? What is DevOps? Let us know in detail.

पारंपरिक सॉफ्टवेयर विकास में, विकास भाग को पूरा करने के बाद, कोड परिनियोजन का समय बहुत बड़ा था। और कई बार, हमने डेवलपमेंट टीम और ऑपरेशंस टीम या परिनियोजन टीम के बीच आम झगड़ों को सुना कि यह हमारे सिस्टम पर ठीक काम करता है, यह समस्या पैदा करने वाला सेवर है और ऑपरेशन टीम बचाव करती है यह आपका सर्वर नहीं है यह आपका कोड है, है ना? खैर, DevOps भ्रम की दीवार को तोड़कर पारंपरिक देव और Ops के झगड़ों को सुलझाता है।


When I first heard the name of DevOps , I also thought that it is a programming language. But when I read about it in detail, it came to know that it is not a programming language. Rather it is a methodology to study the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality and existence.

DevOps क्या है?

DevOps विकास और संचालन का सहयोग है, यह प्रक्रियाओं, लोगों और काम करने वाले उत्पादों का एक संघ है जो हमारे अंतिम उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए निरंतर एकीकरण और मूल्य की निरंतर डिलीवरी को सक्षम बनाता है। DevOps उच्च गति और उच्च वेग पर एप्लिकेशन और सॉफ्टवेयर सेवाएं देने की प्रक्रिया को तेज करता है। ताकि संगठन जल्द से जल्द बाजार को सीख सकें और अपना सकें। साथ ही, यह शुरुआती चरणों में अंतिम-उपयोगकर्ताओं और हितधारकों की प्रतिक्रिया को लगातार वितरित और प्राप्त करके जोखिम कारक को कम करता है।

That is, DevOps is a methodology or mindset, about the product or website that you are building to reach the user. The process you have to go through, from thinking and designing the website to delivering it to the users, is the basic concept of DevOps.

Maybe you haven’t got anything yet that DevOps Kya Hai? But after reading this post you will understand DevOps completely. So let us understand in simple language what is DevOps? And how does it work?

DevOps कैसे काम करता है

DevOps संचालन और विकास इंजीनियरों का अभ्यास है जो डिजाइन और विकास प्रक्रिया से लेकर उत्पाद रिलीज और समर्थन तक पूरे प्रोजेक्ट जीवनचक्र में एक साथ काम करते हैं।

डिजाइन और विकास से लेकर परीक्षण स्वचालन तक और निरंतर एकीकरण से निरंतर वितरण तक, टीम वांछित लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए मिलकर काम करती है। विकास और संचालन कौशल दोनों वाले लोग एक साथ काम करते हैं और सीआई-सीडी और मॉनिटरिंग के लिए विभिन्न उपकरणों का उपयोग करते हैं ताकि ग्राहकों की जरूरतों पर त्वरित प्रतिक्रिया दी जा सके और मुद्दों और बगों को ठीक किया जा सके।

What is DevOps?

DevOps is made up of two words Dev and Ops, which are short forms of Development and Operations. That is, the full form of DevOps is Development Operations. Here development means to make or build something. And Operations means the process followed to make that thing. In this way DevOps means the process of creation and development of an object or product.

Basically, DevOps is not a programming language or software technology, rather it is a methodology! Which is a combination of practices and tools designed to increase the efficiency of a team or organization. It actually promotes collaboration between the Development and Operations team. Due to which their work is done twice as fast. And it helps to provide better services to the customers and compete in the market.

If in simple language, under DevOps, all the teams (Design, Coding, Testing , Debugging etc.) work together in the development and operation of a software. Which saves a lot of time.

Otherwise it takes too much time. Because first of all the software is designed. Then it is sent to the developer. Then the developer makes it by coding . And then sends it for testing. It is improved after testing. A lot of time is wasted in this process. Due to which the speed of making software slows down. DevOps Methodology makes this process fast and easy.

DevOps के लाभ

DevOps अभ्यास के मुख्य लाभ निम्नलिखित हैं।

साइलो को तोड़ो

मेरा मानना ​​​​है कि DevOps का उपयोग करने का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण लाभ सिलोस को क्रॉस-फंक्शनल डेवलपमेंट टीम और ऑपरेशन टीमवर्क के रूप में तोड़ना है, जो काम के लिए स्व-संगठित दृष्टिकोण के कारण संभव है।


उच्चतम व्यावसायिक मूल्य वाली वस्तु को बाजार में तेजी से और तेजी से उत्पाद वितरण करना क्योंकि DevOps Agile सिद्धांतों का पालन करता है।

गति में तेज और वांछित अपडेट और सुविधाओं की कई बार डिलीवरी न केवल ग्राहकों की आवश्यकता को पूरा करेगी बल्कि आपके संगठन को प्रतिस्पर्धी बाजार में एक मजबूत स्थिति लेने में भी मदद करेगी।

तेजी से वितरण

बाजार को संतुष्ट करने के लिए बाजार में काम करने वाले उत्पाद को बार-बार जारी करें और इससे भी महत्वपूर्ण ग्राहक की जरूरत है, जिससे आरओआई (निवेश पर वापसी) में सुधार होता है।


DevOps की सर्वोत्तम प्रथाओं का पालन करके और निरंतर एकीकरण, परीक्षण स्वचालन और निरंतर वितरण के लिए सर्वोत्तम टूल का उपयोग करके, और लॉग की निगरानी करने से टीम को अपडेट रहने और वास्तविक समय के निर्णय को जल्दी से लेने में मदद मिलती है।

दल का सहयोग

DevOps, Dev टीम और Ops टीम के बीच सहयोग को बेहतर बनाता है, टीम समान व्यावसायिक लक्ष्य की दिशा में मिलकर काम करती है। DevOps साइलो को तोड़ता है और संचार, पारदर्शिता, निरीक्षण, अनुकूलन और एकीकरण पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है।

History of DevOps

Today we happily acknowledge that DevOps has unique potential. But, at the time it was invented, no one could have imagined that a simple turn of events would bring such a huge revolution in the software development industry. In fact, the software development industry had a lot of dilemmas and complexities, due to which softwares took a long time to build.

At that time a software used to pass through different departments. And different teams worked on it. That is why due to lack of coordination and understanding of all the teams, a lot of problems had to be faced. Overall the process of software development was quite slow. But DevOps gave it momentum.

Basically, the DevOps concept has played an important role in the field of software development. But the question is, where did this DevOps concept come from? And when and how did it start? Let’s know.

Beginning of DevOps

The concept of DevOps emerged in 2008 from a discussion between Andrew Clay and Patrick Debois . They were concerned about the shortcomings of Agile and wanted to do something better. But a minute, what is this Agile? Let us understand this first.

In fact, many complexities have to be faced in the field of software or application development . There are many departments involved in project design, writing code, testing it, then debugging, then testing and finally launching! And every department has different teams. Now if different people and teams work on the same project! So obviously mistakes will happen.

DevOps की निरंतर प्रकृति के कारण, चिकित्सक यह दिखाने के लिए अनंत लूप का उपयोग करते हैं कि DevOps जीवनचक्र के चरण एक दूसरे से कैसे संबंधित हैं। क्रमिक रूप से प्रवाहित होने के बावजूद, लूप पूरे जीवनचक्र में निरंतर सहयोग और पुनरावृत्ति सुधार की आवश्यकता का प्रतीक है।

Drawbacks of Agile Concept

For example, suppose some code has moved around while testing software with Tester. And because of that the entire software got spoiled, so the rest of the teams will not even know where the code is removed? And how long will it take to find and fix it? On the other hand, the one who has made a mistake will not be ready to accept that the mistake has been made by him. Due to this there is a possibility of differences and estrangement in the team. Therefore, to solve this problem and to run the work smoothly and in a disciplined manner, Agile Concept was born in 1970.

Agile Concept allows companies to develop such products! who respond effectively to change and risk. It consists of self-organized teams, who build prototypes faster by synergy and collaboration with clients . And when the customer is satisfied with these prototypes! Then these are created and developed through repeated cycles. It also includes customer feedback.

But at that time there were some shortcomings in Agile Concept, which were rectified in 2008 with the invention of DevOps Concept .

DevOps extension

Since the idea of ​​DevOps was better than the concept of Alige, it spread slowly. And it became a topic of discussion after the DevOpsDays event held in Belgium in 2009 . After this program many big organizations started adopting DevOps. And today it is being used in almost every software development company .

Let us tell you that DevOps is not just an effort to increase efficiency. Rather, it is an important step to take the development culture forward in the direction of change. It works to unify the efforts of each team involved in the development. That too with strict rules. That’s why there is no room for error in it.

Well, DevOps has a huge contribution in the Software Development Industry . Dev Ops has brought a new revolution in the field of software development today! Because of this , the process of software and application development has become so much faster and easier! It has become possible to build complex softwares in less time and less cost. This is the reason why DevOps is the most discussed and trending topic of today.

How does DevOps work?

You know the history of DevOps, but the question is, how does it work? How does DevOps work? So the operation and development of Dev Ops is the practice of engineers. In this, from design and development to product release and support, everyone works together.

That is, from designing, developing, testing and launching the software, all the teams work together to achieve the objective.

Usually, the development lifecycle does not run continuously in the projects which are not made in DevOps . There are too many interruptions in between. But in the softwares that are made through DevOps, the development life-cycle continues continuously. Now you will ask what is this Lifecycle? So let’s understand this too.

DevOps Lifecycle

As you all know DevOps is a methodology to improve software development! It describes the design, code, operation, test, build, release and feedback of software as a lifecycle . You can understand it in the following points:-

DevOps Engineer takes responsibility for the entire development process. And handles his team and customers together. In this process DevOps LifeCycle goes like this :-

1. First of all, the whole team together prepares a plan to make the software that the customer needs. After that, the customer gets verified whether what they are going to make is correct or not?

2. In the second step, the development team starts work on it. Which basically includes coding.

3. After the software is created, it is sent to the Operation Team and Testing Team for testing. The Testing Team tests the software and finds out whether it is working properly or not.

4. If there is any problem in the software then it is immediately sent to the development team. so that it can be fixed.

5. After the software is ready, it is given to the customers to use. Customers use it and share their experience. Customer feedback is used to further improve the software.

In this way the life-cycle of Dev Ops continues continuously. Until the software or application is completely ready. The Software Development Lifecycle passes through many cycles and keeps rotating in these cycles. These cycles are as follows:-


Scrum is a framework used to build and deliver projects in complex environments. It mainly emphasizes on Software Development. The problems in this can be solved by creating softwares of maximum value. It is used in research , sales, marketing and other advanced technologies.


It is a method of managing software development. Which is designed to make all the teams work together effectively. In this , emphasis is laid on continuous operation without putting much burden on the development team. Also all teams are encouraged to work together.

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

SAFe is a methodology that provides solutions to the problems faced by the team while working. and motivates the team to move forward. SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) aims to guide business to courage and teamwork.

Lean Development

When the software is developed , it is sent for production. And from here the work of Lean Development starts. It considers the pricing and production of the software. That is, how should the software be produced? And what will be its value? considers this. For this it follows various values ​​and principles .

Extreme Programming (XP)

A software development methodology that aims to improve the quality of software and respond to changing customer needs. It is adopted to rectify small mistakes during development. In this, whatever new requirements are told by the customer, the developer goes on adding them in small cycles.

Apart from this, Extreme Programming (XP) includes checking other codes, unit testing all the codes, stopping the redundant codes, writing the codes according to a rule, and changing the software from time to time according to the changing demand of customers etc.

Advantages of DevOps

You must have heard this statement many times about Dev-Ops that due to this a new revolution has come in the field of development. But the question is, what has changed in the field of development after the advent of dev-ops? And what are its benefits? What are the benefits of DevOps? Come on, let’s know.


The biggest advantage of Dev-Ops is that it speeds up the development process! Because of this, projects are being built quickly. Because the development life-cycle in a DevOps environment never stops, it goes on continuously. So that there is no interruption in work. And whatever application or software is being made from this, it is made as soon as possible.

Fast Delivery

The second biggest advantage is Fast Delivery. In Dev Ops environment all the teams work together continuously. And try to fulfill the demand of customers as soon as possible. That is, we try to deliver the orders of the customers on time. This makes work faster. And customers get timely delivery.


In DevOps , a DevOps Engineer leads the entire team. That is, it gives guidance, so that the whole team moves step by step and works with full dedication. If there is a mistake, it is immediately resolved face-to-face. This does not lead to accusations and counter-accusations in the team. At the same time, the trust of the team remains in each other.

Mass production

Development operations are largely conducted in a Dev-Ops environment. This helps in getting the bulk of the work done efficiently and with less risk, by working quickly and consistently. It also helps to make development, test and production environments repeatable and more efficient in case of glitches.

better cooperation

With Dev-Ops, you get the chance to work with an effective team! Who work in risky environment with full responsibility and accountability. In this the Developers and Operation Team work together. And by sharing the responsibilities, complete the projects with mutual cooperation. Working together makes the impossible possible. And saves a lot of time.

better security

Developers and Operations Team work together in a phased manner in a DevOps environment. That is, following all the rules, each step is completed sequentially. During this, no person does any kind of hesitation. That is, not a single step is left in the middle. The project that is being made with this is more secure. There is no possibility of any tampering with it.

Why DevOps matters

Today the Internet and software have turned from shopping to entertainment into a necessity. Software no longer just helps the business, but has become an integral part of every part of the business. Now it is becoming impossible to run any business without it.

Companies use softwares to communicate with their customers and provide services. Also use softwares for import-export and delivery of goods. Today, software applications are being used extensively in almost every business .

In such a situation, companies making software also need to make safe and secure software as soon as possible. And for this it becomes necessary to adopt technology like Dev Ops. That’s why Dev Ops matters a lot.

How to Adopt the DevOps Model

As you know that in DevOps Environment all the teams work together. In which there are many departments. Like Designing, Coding , Developing, Testing, Implementing , Manufacturing etc. People from all these departments sit and work together. And every moment, on the demand of customers, we keep making changes in the project continuously.

If you want to adopt DevOps model then you must have team spirit. Also, there should be quality of being ready for new changes every moment according to the demand of the customers. Apart from this, you have to discuss with your team every moment. And a decision has to be made immediately. That is why you should have the ability to take quick decisions.

If you want to adopt Dev Ops model for your organization then you must have strong team. Because organizations using the DevOps model must have such a team! Who can complete the entire development life cycle with their responsibility  , regardless of their organizational structure .

What are DevOps Tools?

There are many DevOps Tools  today! With the help of which you can create good and effective softwares for your customers. These tools make your job easy. Also help the team to complete the most complex tasks efficiently.

The Lifecycle of DevOps begins with creating, storing, analyzing and reviewing the source code of the software . Management of Source Code includes Version Control, Issue Tracking, Code Review, Packaging and many other functions. That’s why some Source Code Management Tools can be used to  make this process easier .

1. Git

People who are in the field of Computer Science must have heard about Git and GitHub . Actually, Git is one of the most popular DevOps tools. It is widely used in the software industry. It is a distributed SCM (Source Code Management) tool preferred by Remote Teams and Open Source contributors.

Here you can save and keep your source code. And if any other team wants to see or modify that code! So she can make changes in that source code by connecting to your Github account. In Git, you can track the progress of your development work. That is, you can keep different versions of your source code. And you can revert to the old version if needed.

Git is very easy to use. Here you can keep many source codes by creating different folders . And nobody can see your codes unless you make them public.

Basically, Git is a command line tool , but you can also download a GUI client here. It allows you to manage the source code from the graphical interface according to the users. Many source code editors like Visual Studio Code also already come with Git tools.

How to use Git?

To integrate Git with your DevOps workflow , you need to host your source code in a repository. Where your team members can work on it.

Today, the most popular online Git repository hosting services providing companies are Github, Gitlab , and Bitbucket. You can create a repository in both private and public ways by creating your account on all these platforms. Apart from this, you can get changes in your code by inviting users here. And can track its progress how much work is completed.

You get many more DevOps features in Git. Such as learning new development, reviewing code, cooperating in code editing , checking the level of security, etc. You can start using Git by signing up.

2. There is

Jira is a popular Issue and Project Tracking Platform , which is a product of Atlassian. Atlassian is a well-known IT company that develops highly sought after software tools. Such as Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, Statuspage etc. You can use Jira as SaaS (Software As A Service).

Jira company was started to find bugs inside softwares. Many developers work inside it. Its user interface is quite friendly for developers. It helps developers to find, edit and fix bugs and take the work forward. For this, the facility to track bugs has been given in Jira.

Usually a software developer concentrates on his work i.e. the development process. So that he can understand the whole process of creating a software application. For this Jira comes with Kanban, Agile and Scrum.

Apart from this, there is an advanced automation engine inside Jira , which provides users with a drag and drop interface. Using this, users can create an automatic interface. Not only can you automate the tasks of Jira, but you can also connect with tools like Bitbucket, GitHub, and Microsoft Teams. Also , you can include them in your automation workflow .

3. SonarQube

SonarQube is an open-source code review tool that supports 27 programming languages. It is capable of analyzing the source code of applications written in different languages. It mainly takes care of the quality and security of the coding during the development process. Also, it keeps checking the code continuously that there is no error or mistake. This keeps the attention of the coder focused on writing the code.

The most important feature of SonarQube is Quality Gates , which ensures the quality of the code. It detects bugs and errors present in the source code. And by analyzing the code, the score tells in which direction the code is going? And how much improvement is needed in it? Plus SonarQube provides useful visualizations, so you can easily see where the code needs improvement.

SonarQube works in both Cloud and On-Premises . Also it can work in conjunction with other Dev Ops Tools. This includes tools like GitHub, GitLab, Azure Pipelines, Jenkins, Bitbucket, and many more. You can set up SonarQube with minimal configuration with these tools.

Since SonarQube continuously analyzes the code in the DevOps workflow. It also helps in making the code error-free, secure and efficient. That’s why it is considered to be the best tool in  Dev Ops Tools .

4. Gradle

Gradle is a Multi-Language Automatic Build Tool . Which supports many programming languages ​​including Java, C++ and Python. It is a popular and reliable Build Tool for Dev Ops Workflow. Actually the DevOps Stack needs a reliable build tool. And Apache Ant and Maven Dominated are very popular tools for this! which have dominated the market for many years. But ever since Gradle arrived in 2009, its popularity has grown steadily.

Apache Ant and Maven use XML language for configuration. Whereas Gradle uses Groovy-Based DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for configuration. Apart from this, in addition to the default DLS inside Gradle, Kotlin Based DLS is also present. Due to which developers working in Kotlin can also easily write their scripts in Gradle.

Features of Gradle

Gradle supports Repository built in Maven and Apache Ant . That’s why if you have worked in Maven before, then you can use it in Gradle as well. Also Gradle supports many popular IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). In which Netbeans, Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA are prominent. Let us tell you that Google has  chosen Gradle as the Official Build Tool for Android Studio .

Well, Gradle gives you the ability to build code faster . In which it checks whether the input and output have changed since the last run? This process saves a lot of time of developers.

On the other hand, if we talk about performance, then Gradle is quite ahead in this matter. It works 100 times faster than Maven. Overall, Gradle allows for faster output. And comes with a lot of configuration options .

How to become a DevOps Engineer

As DevOps is becoming popular, the career prospects are increasing in it. If today you will do online job search! You will see a long list of DevOps Jobs . But this is only the beginning. There will be a lot of demand for jobs in this field in future. That’s why people who want to come in this field. The question definitely remains in their mind that how can we become a DevOps Engineer? How to become a DevOps Engineer? So let us know what are the qualifications a DevOps should have.

1 Learn Programming Language

If you want to become a Dev Ops Engineer , then definitely learn at least two-three programming languages. Because it is very important for a DevOps Engineer to have knowledge of programming languages. Therefore study in MCA or Btech in Graduation from Computer Science Subject. And learn languages ​​like C++ , Java and Python . Because to work in DevOps it is necessary to have good command over these languages.

2. Knowledge of System and Server

It is very important for a DevOps Engineer to have knowledge of Computer System and Server Hardware . Because without it you cannot work in DevOps Environment. That’s why as a DevOps engineer, you should know how the server is setup? For this , take practical knowledge of Computer Operating System and Server in the college itself.

3. Knowledge of Software Manufacturing Process

It is very important for a DevOps Engineer to have knowledge of Software Development Process . That is, when any software is developed! So what process does it go through? And what tools are used for this. Also which tool is used? A DevOps Engineer should have a good knowledge of all these things.

4. Leadership qualities

As you all know that inside DevOps all the people work together as a team. And this team is headed by a DevOps Engineer . In such a situation, from guiding the team to the distribution of work among the team, the Dev Ops Engineer has all the responsibility. That is why it is very important to have qualities like patience, tolerance and leadership in a DevOps engineer.

DevOps : Conclusion

Overall, DevOps is a methodology that is used to make the development process faster and easier. It increases the working efficiency of a team manifold, which gives a good impact on the production. This means that the process of production is accelerated. This allows companies to produce more in less time. That’s why big companies adopt DevOps model.

Hopefully, through this article, you must have understood well that what is DevOps? And how does it work? Also, you must have understood how important DevOps is? And what are the career prospects in it? If you found this article useful, then do like and share it.

DevOps : FAQs

Question 1. What is DevOps?

Answer: DevOps is a methodology that emphasizes on making the manufacturing process faster and easier as well as increasing the efficiency and production of the team. In this, all the teams related to the process of development work together, due to which the work is done faster.

Question 2. What is the full form of DevOps?

Answer: The full form of DevOps is Development Operations .

Question 3. What are DevOps Tools?

Answer: Well there are hundreds of DevOps Tools available today. But Git, Gitlab, Jira, Jenkins, SonarQube, Gradle, Puppet, Docker, Terraform , TeamCity, Salt, Splunk , Nagios, Chef, Kubernetes, Slack and Ansible are the best DevOps tools .

Question-4. How to become a DevOps Engineer?

Answer: To become a DevOps engineer, you must have knowledge of programming languages, computer system, operating system , server and software application development . For this you should do graduation in MCA (Masters in Computer Application) or BTech in Computer Science.

Question-5. What are the Main Stages of the DevOps Lifecycle?

Answer: Following are the main phases of DevOps Lifecycle:-

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